Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions breaks all records

Ryleigh Egbert and her Grand Champion Market Beef Steer
Ryleigh Egbert and her Grand Champion Market Beef Steer share a moment in the sale area that any current or former showman will understand. Photo by Jessica Woodworth.

By Jessica Woodworth | Contributing Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The final cry of the auctioneer concluded a record-obliterating 2022 Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions, Aug. 7. Of the 11 auctions, all broke previously held records for the highest sale award, eliciting cheers from the crowd as the suspense grew.


The grand champion market beef steer, shown by Ryleigh Egbert of Auglaize County, sold for $225,000 to S&S Volvo in Lima, Ohio, after a heated bidding war. It crushed the previous record set in 2011, of $85,000.

Delaney Jones, of Allen County, exhibited the reserve grand champion market beef steer, which was sold for $100,000 to Rauch Excavation and Demolition, of Dayton, Ohio, and Mark and Megan Kvamme, of Ohio Transparent Telecom. The previous record was $55,000.


Nick Adams, of Mercer County, showed the grand champion market barrow. It beat the 1996 record when it sold for $66,000 to the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Kroger Co., and Bob Evans. The precious record was set in 1996 at $64,000.

The reserve grand champion market barrow was shown by Mallory Petro, of Gallia County, and sold for $52,500 to Mark and Megan Kvamme, of Ohio Transparent Telecom, beating the previous record of $52,000.


Elizabeth Shatto, of Shelby County, showed the grand champion market lamb, which sold for $47,000 to a consortium of sponsors, including Kroger Co., Talley Amusements, the Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association, Event Marketing Strategies, and Tim and Glenda Huffman. The previous record was $46,500.

The reserve champion market lamb was shown by Caleb Stone, from Miami County, and sold to Meijer for $30,000. This beat the previous record of $25,500.


Twelve-year-old Braxton Method, of Auglaize County, showed the grand champion market goat, which sold for $26,000 to Mark and Megan Kvamme, of Ohio Transparent Telecom. The previous record was $20,000.


The grand champion market chickens were shown by Delaney Johnson, of Jefferson County. The four chickens sold for $31,000 to Kroger Co. and Gerber Poultry. This beat the previous record of $30,000.

The reserve grand champion market chickens were shown by Caleb Bennett, of Fayette County. They sold for $24,000 to Rauch Excavation and Demolition, beating the old record of $21,500.

Madison Estep, from Madison County, showed the grand champion market turkey, which sold for $25,000. The buyers of Estep’s turkey were OKI, Cox Concessions, Schmidt’s Sausage Haus, Net Steady, Expo Services, and Standard Parking Plus Corp., all of which are local contractors at the Ohio State Fair. Estep was also recognized as an outstanding exhibitor.


The grand champion Swiss cheese was purchased for $50,000 by AG Boogher & Sons, Turner Grain and S&S Volvo. Exhibitors represented by the block of Swiss include: Logan Topp, grand champion Ayrshire; Allison Francis, grand champion red and white; Aubree Topp, grand champion Guernsey; Olivia Finke, supreme showman; Christina Headings, grand champion milking shorthorn; Hannah Griffith, grand champion Holstein; Blake Grewie, grand champion Jersey; and Madelyn Topp, grand champion Brown Swiss and supreme showman.

Each category has a cap as to what the winning exhibitor will actually receive. The rest of the money raised over that cap goes to the Youth Reserve Program, which benefits other exhibitors through scholarships and awards. To date, the Youth Reserve Program has awarded more than $4.1 million to youth across the state.

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