Online appraisal course available


FREDERICK, Md. — Appraisal Course Associates, a leading developer of USPAP-centered instructional books and courses for the personal property appraiser has announced the first-ever and only online course for the personal property appraiser.


The course, “Dave Maloney’s Complete Online Course in Personal Property Appraising Featuring USPAP,” makes use of the latest in sophisticated university-level learning management software to present a thorough and professionally-designed learning experience complete with reading assignments, Flash video reviews, a detailed online glossary, self-assessed testing and course material that is thoroughly integrated with USPAP — a first in the profession, according to Appraisal Course Associates partner Bill Novotny, an AQB Certified National USPAP instructor.

Reference books

The course makes use of Maloney’s course book and reference guide for the appraiser titled Appraising Personal Property: Principles and Methodology (Appraisers Press 2008) as well as The Appraisal Foundation’s Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

Supplemental online readings expand on important topics to enhance the learning experience.

Accepted by the Association of Online Appraisers, the Appraisers National Association and the College for Appraisers as meeting their principles and methodology educational requirements for earning designations, this USPAP-based course is complete with an online discussion forum and constant instructor contact and mentoring for the student.