OSA to hold soybean contest


Worthington, Ohio — The Ohio Soybean Association is announcing the launch of the state’s first-ever Soybean Yield and Quality Contest for the 2010 growing season. Contestants must be current members of OSA and raise at least 10 acres of soybeans in Ohio.

Those who are not members may join when entering the contest. The entry fee for members is $25 and $100 for non-members, of which $75 goes toward a one-year membership.


Entrants can choose to enter one of six categories that include:

conventional tillage


low-linolenic soybeans-conventional tillage

low-linolenic soybeans-no-till

non-GMO soybeans-conventional tillage

non-GMO soybeans-no-till

Developed to promote the importance of oil and protein, the quality contest is optional to enter. However, a farmer must enter the soybean yield contest in order to enter the soybean quality contest. This contest is based on the overall highest percentage of oil and percentage of protein content in the state.

Entrants in the quality contest must submit a two-pound sample of soybeans for testing.


Entrants will be eligible for several prize packages. An overall state yield winner will be awarded along with category prizes for the top placing entrants. Awards will also be given to the top placing entrants in the quality contest based on the percentages of oil and protein.

All prize packages will be announced in mid-June on OSA’s web page www.soyohio.org/yieldcontest. All entry forms and entry fees for the Soybean Yield and Quality Contest must be received by August 31.

The entry form along with a complete listing of contest rules can be downloaded at www.soyohio.org/yieldcontest.

The following companies will pay the entry fee for contestants that enter their varieties: Asgrow, LG Seeds, Seed Consultants and all Vistive varieties will be covered by Monsanto.