Reader: Consider all theories on climate change

cattle and mountains

Dear Editor:

With regard to Alan Guebert’s opinion related to climate change published Jan. 6, which stated human-made climate change has been conclusively proven, when roughly one-third of the population questions that conclusion you must wonder, why are there so many skeptics? Are they are just stupid? Are they so gullible that they believe whatever they are told?

Those answers do not make much sense. The more reasonable explanation is that the majority of these people have read, heard or researched something that does not add up to the offered conclusion. The climate is certainly changing, as it has been changing for millions of years, and will continue to do so.

We also know skeptics of human-caused climate change have been fired from their jobs, banned, blacklisted and ridiculed. That human activity is the sole cause of, and that humans can alter, climate change has been concluded by many, but that is not the same as proving.

There is another side to this controversy. For example, I invite readers to read the book titled Unsettled by Steven E. Koonin, former undersecretary for science, U.S. Department of Energy under the Obama (yes, Obama) Administration.

The first paragraph of the book’s forword states: “when it comes to climate change, the media, politicians, and other prominent voices have declared that the science is settled. In reality, core questions — about the way the climate is responding to our influence and what the impacts will be ­— remain largely unanswered.”

Yes, we need to be concerned about climate change and how it will impact our future, as well as how to reduce pollution, the use of our natural resources and our interactions with our environment. However, simply blaming all climate changes on humans is not helpful and will lead to ill-advised policy decisions.

Selling carbon credits, driving electric cars and installing wind turbines (that kill millions of bats and birds every year and change wind and weather patterns) may make some people feel better, but it does not solve the problems or answer the questions.

An open discussion that considers all theories and possible solutions is needed, not just those opinions that are popular or touted by main stream media. Once we engage in an open discussion and consider all alternatives, we can better determine how to address the issues.

Marge Conner
North Benton, Ohio

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