Rehabilitated bald eagle released on refuge


rehabilitated bald eagle

GUYS MILLS, Pa. — Robert and Maryjane Angelo, of Skye’s Spirit Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, released a rehabilitated bald eagle at the Erie National Wildlife Refuge in Crawford County Oct. 10, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission officials.

The rainy weather didn’t dampen the enthusiasm, said Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officer John McKellop. Several Erie Refuge employees and many citizens joined to watch the mature male eagle spring to flight from Robert’s outstretched leather gauntlet clad arms.


In July, Tom Tarkowski found the injured eagle in his driveway and his wife, Valerie, reported it to the Game Commission. WCO McKellop responded and, with Tom’s help, managed to capture the bird.

McKellop delivered the eagle to Skye’s Spirit, where the Angelos diagnosed it with severe bruising, possibly caused by a motor vehicle collision.

After almost three months of rehabilitation, the eagle was ready for release.


Skye’s Spirit Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, as well as other Pennsylvania licensed wildlife rehabilitation facilities do their work to benefit Pennsylvania’s wildlife without any direct funding from taxpayers, McKellop said.

Erie National Wildlife Refuge was selected as the release site due to its proximity to where the eagle had been found, and because it’s prime eagle habitat.