Sewing Smorgasbord: PBS show host to teach two classes


ZANESVILLE, Ohio – Shirley Adams, host ofthe television show The Sewing Connection aired on PBS, will be a guest teacher at Sewing Smorgasbord March 24, at East Muskingum Middle School in New Concord, Ohio.

Sewing Smorgasbord, sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, offers 18 sewing-related classes. There will also be a trade show by area businesses, a fabric fair, and scissors sharpening.

Classes start at 9:45 a.m. and conclude at 2:45 p.m. with doors opening to the public at 9 a.m.

Adams will exhibit and teach two classes. “Beautiful Bonus” will feature unique vests and jackets. “Suits Me To a Tee” will use a T-shirt pattern to make a whole wardrobe.

Class lineup. Classes include the following:

* Basic Serging, Bernadine Swingle, owner, Snip N’Stitch, Zanesville/Mt. Perry. Basic serging information along with demonstration of a wreath for all seasons.

* Beautiful Bonus, Shirley Adams. Sewing something for nothing, vests made from remnants and scraps on any type machine. Also a collection of jackets made from a basic pattern learning common alterations and style changes.

* Care and Use of Your Machine, Helen Addis, owner, Addis Sewing Center, Cambridge. General use and care of your sewing machine. Selecting needles, cleaning, use of basic stitches.

* Coordinating Patterns, material and Interfacing, Louise Harding, master clothing educator, Tuscarawas County.

* Dresden Express, Marilyn Swope, owner, Quilt Bee, Dresden. Learn how to make the Dresden Plate Quilt with the Dresden Express short-cut tool.

* Fabric Crafting with Kids, Debbie Pipes, master clothing educator, Perry County. Learn to create simple fabric projects with your child.

* Fun with Chenille, Charlene McFee, owner, The Sewing Shop, New Concord. Learn how to make a chenille pillow.

* Gift Ideas with the Sewing Machine, Mary Griffin, Graceland Singer Sewing Center, Columbus. Learn to create unique gift ideas with the sewing machine including gift bags and picture frames with designs.

* Junk Jeans Recycled, Mary Griffin, Graceland Singer Sewing Center, Columbus.

* Making Flags and Banners, Sharon Mikula.

* Sewing for the Holidays, Rita Francis, master clothing educator, Fairfield County.

* Sewing with Sheers, Bridgette Sloan, Extension Associate, Textiles and Apparel, OSU Extension. Learn various construction techniques to help you handle sheer fabric.

* Spotting Good Fit, Daphne Hedgecock, owner, Daphne’s Custom Creations, Grove City. Identify the keys for good fit whether in a constructed or ready-to-wear garment.

* Suits Me To a Tee, Shirley Adams.

* Sweatshirt Creations and Trapunto, Shirley Guinot, owner, Sweatshirt Creations, Cumberland.

* Quick Watercolor Quilts, Rita Lawrence, owner, Cumberland Quilt Shop, Cumberland. Learn to do quick watercolor quilts using fusible layout grids.

* Zippers and Closures, Donna Bond, master clothing educator, Guernsey County.

Farewell to fabric. Individuals wanting to sell pieces of fabric one-quarter yard in length or greater, put your fabric in a clear, self-closing, plastic bag. Enclose an envelope with your name, county, and asking price. We’ll sell your fabric and you get the proceeds. Cash sales only; no checks please.

To register contact the Muskingum County extension office, 740 454-0144.