Tuscarawas County Cattle Association holding banquet

Cows eating in a pasture.
Beef cattle at Meadow View Farm, in Moundsville, West Virginia, Nov. 3. (Sarah Donaldson photo)

DOVER, Ohio — The Tuscarawas County Cattle Association annual banquet will be held Feb. 12, at 6 p.m. at the Clover Cafe located at the Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds.

The menu is roast beef and chicken dinner catered by Kathy Stotzer. The meal will cost $18 per person. The directors have a reservation deadline of February 5, 2024. Reservations must be turned into any TCCA director. Meal reservations must be prepaid; no reservations will be taken at the door.

The association will be electing five directors to serve for the next two years, as well as reviewing the past year’s activities. The evening will include a guest speaker or entertainer.

The 2024 membership dues are $10. Dues must be paid to be eligible to vote for the board of directors during the annual meeting. Those unable to attend the banquet who would like to renew their membership dues can mail them to Kevin Hinds, 6443 Everhart Rd., Newcomerstown, OH. 43832