Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "agriculture"

Tag: agriculture

Farm management advice from the 1968-69 Farm Quarterly is still applicable today.

Silage testing is a fundamental tool for the farm to continuously evaluate quality and adjust to feed the best-possible forages.

Southern and common rust have been more prevalent in southern Ohio cornfields this year. Farmers have had to replant several times.

If agricultural and legislative leaders fail to shift from commodity-focused farm policy to market-focused farm policy, we're doomed to marginal returns.

Here are six ways to help family farm teams make effective decisions that will benefit the long-term goals of the farm.

The International Farm Management Congress study tour of agriculture in Scotland ended at the Thainstone Agriculture Center.

Runoff water can pick up and carry many substances that pollute water. Some — like pesticides, fertilizers, oil and soap — are harmful in any quantity.

Fall is a busy time of year for agritourism. Whether you’re planning a corn maze, a farm festival or a tour of the farm, here are some things to consider.

Electronic sow feeding systems have been able to monitor individual intake of gilts and sows housed together and could eventually improve feed efficiency.

Maybe if consumers started to see how fortunate they are and how productive farmers are, they would embrace technology and help us continue to move forward.