Tag: farm labor
Climate is likely to be a high priority for Biden administration
Climate, trade and farm labor are all areas where President-elect Joe Biden is likely to take a different approach than President Donald Trump, agriculture and government relations experts said in an Ohio Ag Council meeting Nov. 10.
Labor a challenge for farms during COVID-19 crisis
Agriculture is considered essential business during COVID-19 closures, but farms may face challenges with the H-2A visa program and labor on the farm.
New House agriculture labor bill introduced
With the Farm Workforce Modernization Act still sitting in a U.S. Senate committee, House representatives introduced a new farm labor bill March 4.
Farm labor overhaul clears US House
The U.S. House recently passed a bipartisan bill that would make it easier for farm workers to gain legal status, if necessary, and reform the H-2A program.
How to make the right hire for your farm
Learn how to improve your employee recruiting process and interview skills to find employees that are the right fit for your farm.
Innovations for shrinking agricultural workforce
The competitiveness of U.S. agriculture, as well as the welfare of farm workers and their communities, depends on how we adapt to an era of labor scarcity.
Shutdown? Not on farm of my youth
There was no "shutdown" — not in the U.S. government sense, anyway — on the southern Illinois dairy farm of Alan Guebert's youth.
Another good man gone too soon
Judith Sutherland says goodbye to a family friend, who worked on her father's farm during her youth.
Are your employees on your balance sheet, and how so?
We often look at employee costs as a way to trim expenses, but good employees are what really make a positive bottom line possible.
Managing millennials in agriculture
Millennials are energetic and educated, but they want to have flexibility in the workplace.