Monday, May 6, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "farm management"

Tag: farm management

Successful farming is not about equipment, or acres or herd size. It's about management. Farm and Dairy Editor Susan Crowell urges farmers get better at what they control: their own management skills.

Crops are in bad shape in the Midwest, and the grain market is trying to decide just how bad. Columnist Marlin Clark shares some insight.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and the Ohio Farm Service Agency have made separate requests for U.S. Department of Agriculture disaster designation, in the wake of the wettest 12 months in the state's history.

A new study focuses on increasing cow feed efficiency to improve profitability and substantially reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of the dairy industry.

The competitiveness of U.S. agriculture, as well as the welfare of farm workers and their communities, depends on how we adapt to an era of labor scarcity.

Compounding the poor planting season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced June 10 that unplanted acres will not qualify for 2019 Market Facilitation Program payments.

'Straight from my hand to their mouth,' says fruit grower Bill Gammie. Quarry Hill Orchards fosters a connection between the fruit they grow and the consumers who love it.

To manage forage weed control, you have to know what factors contributed to weed establishment in the first place, before spraying.

Managing nutrients in the pasture can increase profitability in those fields, the same way they do for other crops.

Learn how to tackle issues with farm employees and family members.