Sunday, May 5, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "farming"

Tag: farming

Rebecca Miller mulls over the dusty rhythm of farming, during a dry July, in the middle of a pandemic.

Judith Sutherland reminds us that farming continues to be one of the most dangerous occupations and details why farmers deserve respect.

Judith Sutherland discusses how farmers are being impacted by COVID-19 and reminds us we're all in this together.

Alan Guebert ponders whether we can have both dollar-driven efficiency and safety-centered resiliency as the overarching goal of American farm policy.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture put out guidance for how agricultural businesses can stay open while slowing the spread of COVID-19.

It's been a rough decade for the journalism industry. Agriculture, too. Don't let the "sad farmer" stories distract you. Just like in journalism, farming has people who make it work.

Rebecca Miller finds that the best laid plans are just waiting for a flock of sheep, a steer, a livestock guardian dog named Houdini and a donkey named Sarah to come barreling through and smash them to smithereens.

The National Pork Board named Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Vice President Chris Hoffman as America's Pig Farmer of the Year for 2019-2020.

It's been 20 years since Julie Prentice, of Mercer County, lost her lower arm in a farm accident. What could've been a setback has been nothing of the sort.

The connection we have to the land, to livestock and to the stewardship of it all is not something many people experience. And it shows. It seems that almost daily, I hear of new experiments to create food that eliminates the need for animal products. As much as we might like to post ironic memes about it on social media, or laugh it off, it’s here.