Sunday, February 16, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "fertilizer application"

Tag: fertilizer application

While it's too early to apply nitrogen fertilizer, now is the time to plan, according to Ohio State Extension educator Jason Hartschuh.

It's not too late to fertilize hayfields. Ohio State Extension has some recommendations that account for the early growth we've seen this year.

Learn how to determine the amount of nitrogen to apply to corn silage production fields to maximize your returns.

Spring brings on a need to see green, but being too hasty can hurt you more than help you. Check out these tips for fertilizing your lawn in the spring.

The real value of manure depends on site selection and application. Use these tips to get the most out of your manure.

Those who apply fertilizer on 50 or more acres now have the option to take an exam or attend a three-hour course to get the required certification.

If hay is harvested year after year and not fertilized, production will decrease substantially.

Farmers applying commercial fertilizer to more than 50 acres are required to attend a course on fertilizer application no later than Sept. 30, 2017.