Monday, May 6, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "gardening"

Tag: gardening

A container garden filled with flowers, food or herbs is the gift that keeps on growing. Make one for Mother's Day.

Hardening off plants is simple; it’s the process of adjusting plants to outdoor temperatures after they’ve been started indoors.

Planting tips and suggested annual flowers to grow this year.

Proper preparation, timing and technique help seedlings become healthy and productive plants.

The cost of seeds and seedlings, soil amendments, pest and weed controls and tools can add up quickly.

Coffee grounds offer several benefits for your garden’s soil and are also useful for compost and mulch.

What does the lunar cycle have to do with gardening? Learn the basic principles of moon gardening, a practice used by Ancient Romans and Native Americans that is still talked about today.

New baits and repellents for moles work better than the home remedies some people swear by, and trapping is still one of the most efficient means of controlling moles.

There are an estimated 26 seed libraries across the Commonwealth, with more than 350 nationwide.

Learn how to grow onion sets and why you should plant seed potatoes instead of potatoes from the supermarket.