Monday, September 9, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "milk"

Tag: milk

Four western Pennsylvania dairy farmers raced in the 2018 Pittsburgh Marathon May 6 as part of Team Chocolate Milk, a dairy promotion campaign that encourages refueling with chocolate milk after running.

Mercer County, Pa., dairy farmer recounts getting the drop letter from Dean Foods and her efforts to find a new milk market. Some have not been so lucky.

Dairy farmer Kevin Spreng built his way up gradually, starting with the family farm and branching out.

Holmes County honors top herds and dairy cows at annual banquet.

Dairy prices remain very low, but producers in Ashland and Wayne counties still met with pride for the annual awards banquet.

We each need to use our voice to support the dairy farmers who continue to work as hard as ever to provide so much.

A lawsuit between Oakhurst Dairy, owned by Dairy Farmers of America, and their drivers hinges on the Oxford comma. They have now settled for $5 million.

The Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board reduced the Class I over-order premium price for milk from $1.60 to $0.75 per hundredweight, beginning Jan. 1.

The Fill a Glass with Hope fresh milk program started with a grant of $5,000 from the Community Foundation of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio.

The Real Food Consumer Coalition filed a petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, asking the agency allow warning labels on raw milk products.