Monday, September 9, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "milk"

Tag: milk

Even though the nutritional properties of milk and dairy products has been realized for centuries, specific attributes are still being discovered.

Adding vanilla to sweetened milk makes consumers think the beverage is sweeter, allowing the amount of added sugar to be reduced.

U.S. Reps. Joe Courtney, D-Conn., and Glenn 'GT' Thompson, R-Pa., have introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2019 to expand milk options for students.

Throughout June, Dairy Farmers of America will help raise awareness and provide relief towards the summer nutrition gap felt by nearly 18 million students.

With milk prices still low, this Knox County dairyman tries to be as positive as he can.

Dairy farmers at this year's grazing conference talked about the benefits of working together in groups, where financial information and performance is shared.

The farm bill conference committee released its final report, and awaits a vote by both the U.S. House and Senate.

This manure separator saves Cornell about 95 percent of its sand, which can be reused for bedding.

Sam Moore recalls a story about milk from the Scientific American Supplement No. 288, dated July 9, 1881, On the Composition of Elephants’ Milk.

World Milk Day, celebrated around the globe June 1, encouraged dairy enthusiasts to "Raise a Glass" of milk in salute of dairy farmers.