Sunday, February 9, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "taxes"

Tag: taxes

Ohio State Extension educator Lee Beers shares tools and strategies that can help make life easier when it comes to tax season on the farm.

CAUV values are going up in nearly half of Ohio’s counties this year, in some cases more than 300%.

This is the second highest tax payment year in the past 12 years, according to the Ohio Oil and Gas Association.

The tax season is a great time to focus on the fiscal management of your farm operation and to check in on your estate plan.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about his disdain for paying taxes.

A Farm and Dairy reader shares some history and his thoughts on the income tax system in the United States.

The Beginning Farmer Tax Credit is now available to those who've recently entered the field and those who help beginning farmers.

Alan Guebert explains why neither today’s tax laws nor the proposed American Family Plan creates a “death tax” crisis in any state or the U.S.

In this week's Dairy Excel column, David Marrison answers all your farm tax questions.

Dianne Shoemaker offers tips to help farm managers plan ahead for income tax season.