Friday, May 3, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "water quality"

Tag: water quality

Private water supplies should be tested every 12 to 14 months for total coliform and E.coli bacteria.

Muskingum University and the Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District are working with farmers and students on tile outlet water sample analysis.

Learn what the most common water quality problems affecting livestock production are and how they could affect your herd.

Stateler Family Farms is hosting a pilot project to study a manure treatment that separates solids and liquids and reduces phosphorus in liquid manure.

Gov. Mike Dewine signed the Ohio budget July 18. The budget includes funding for water quality improvement projects and agricultural organizations.

NOAA researchers predict a harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie measuring 7.5 on the severity index. They also reported a phosphorus decrease in the lake, suggesting improvements can be made more quickly than originally thought.

The Agriculture Conservation Working Group, representing Ohio’s agriculture, conservation, environmental, and research communities, is hoping to develop and deploy a statewide water quality initiative.

The activist group behind the Lake Erie Bill of Rights is after more than just cleaner water. Editor Susan Crowell urges you to pay attention to what's going on in Toledo that could target personal property rights.

Editor Susan Crowell issues a stern warning to farmers in this week's commentary: If you farm, you need to pay attention to how you manage your farm to minimize its impact on the environment. Period.

Ohio farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin can get financial assistance to plant small grains such as wheat, barley, oats, or cereal rye.