Farm and Dairy’s week in review: 9/6

Week in review 9/6

Here’s this week’s top stories from Farm and Dairy:

1. Stark County Junior Fair auction pulls in $854,406, sets all time record

A record total of $854,406.11 for the Junior Fair auction at the Stark County Fair was brought about in part by record weights and bids.

2. Geauga County Fair market livestock sale results

The Geauga County Junior Fair auction consisted of 41 lots. Believe it or not, an eight pound duck sold for $200/pound!

3. Canfield Fair 2014

The Canfield Junior Fair auction tallied $494,541.55 in a total of 513 lots.

4. CFAES graduate sets sights on Olympic handball dream

When Ohio State University alumna Katiann Scherer began her college career, she probably had no idea she would one day join the collegiate intramural handball team and later try out for the U.S. Olympic team.

Scherer, a graduate of the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences program, is currently working to earn a spot on the team and compete in the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro.

5. Ohio Supreme Court to hear mineral rights case

The question of “Who owns the mineral rights?” is relevant in Noble County, Ohio as

The Ohio Dormant Minerals Act is called into question as the rightful owner of the mineral rights is decided by the Ohio Supreme Court. In this case, the Ohio Dormant Minerals Act is being consulted in regards to what surface owners can do to obtain mineral rights during a certain time period.