LONDON, Ohio — There is one more day of Farm Science Review fun to take in. Stay tuned for more images to come as the Farm and Dairy staff takes on day three. Here is a collection of images from our first two days on the grounds.
OSU Student Natalie Miller
Natalie Miller, sophomore at Ohio State University, said she has been very fortunate to fund her education through scholarships offered through the university.<
OSU Student Natalie Miller
Natalie Miller, sophomore at Ohio State University, said she has been very fortunate to fund her education through scholarships offered through the university.2
OSU President Michael V. Drake
Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake at the Celebration of Ohio Agriculture Luncheon Sept. 20.3
Dr. Lonnie J. King
Interim Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean Lonnie J. King at the Celebration of Ohio Agriculture Luncheon Sept. 20.13
Field demo
The field demonstration at the Farm Science Review featured tillage equipment (foreground) and the usual lineup of combines in the background.22
And they are off...
A row of combines at the Trotter Field demonstrations looked like a combine race.24
Covington FFA
The Covington FFA chapter were testing out some new equipment at Farm Science Review.26
Inspecting the corn crop
Neal Norman shows his son Dalton, 5, an ear of corn. Dalton said he likes to come watch "the combine races."27
Field demos from a distance
Driving up on the Trotter Field demonstrations shows an impressive line of planting and harvesting equipment.29
Trotter field demo
These two children took a walk through a freshly harvested field to discuss corn conditions (we imagine) in September 2016. Farm and Dairy file photo.31
Madison Plains FFA chapter
The Madison Plains FFA chapter stopped by the Golden Harvest booth for a fun picture.34
Small Farm Center Tent
The Small Farm Center tent was full during a discussion on raising miniature beef cattle.35