Hazard A Guess: Week of March 12, 2009


ITEM NO. 858

Hello from Hazard!

Wow, after bragging on the volume of mail in the Hazard-ous mailbag and in-box, we received nothing but silence on Item No. 857, which we’ve shown now since Feb. 26.

I guess it’s time to move on, then. Gailey Henderson of Williamstown, W.Va., who shared Item No. 857 with us, tells us it’s a nail rake. Take one more look.

* * *

So with no further ado, we’ll move on to Item No. 858, which was buried deep, deep (OK, really deep) in our Hazard-ous mail basket. And our apologies to E.J. Wengerd of Massillon, Ohio, who sent us the photo, which is a little blurry.

To clarify, you’re not trying to figure out what the L-shaped item is — that’s a carpenter’s square added to give an idea of dimension of the real Hazard item, which is the smaller, bent tubular piece.

Send your answers to: Hazard a Guess, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or via e-mail to: editorial@farmanddairy.com.

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