Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Ohio barn

Ohio State Extension educator Dave Marrison discusses the importance of succession planning on the farm, offering updates and the basics of estate taxes.
cattle feedlot

OSU Extension educator Maurice Eastridge reports the recommendations for feeding glycerol to dairy cattle, which can be valuable as an energy source.

Mycotoxins in dairy feeds are a growing concern across Ohio. OSU Extension educator Jason Harschuh offers tips for mitigating their impact on your herd.

Ohio State Extension educator Lee Beers discusses the benefits and concerns for using human biosolids as nutrients on agricultural fields.
heifers in a barn

Using automated activity monitoring systems is growing in popularity. These systems are used to improve a herd's pregnancy per AI and detect estrus in heifers.
calf with bottle

Ohio State Extension dairy educator Gustavo M. Schuenemann explores proper ways to administer colostrum meals to raise healthy, newborn calves.

Bonnie Ayars considers what it takes to build better relationships.

David L. Marrison advises families to start thinking about the future of their farms, bringing up essential questions to ensure a successful future.
alfalfa field

There are practices you can implement to reduce the risk of frost heaving. Two prevention strategies focus on increasing residue and minimizing bare soil.
dairy stalls

In stall-based housing systems, the cow stall design, surface and bedding type have a large effect on cow comfort and cow injuries.