Farmer shares dairy mission statement



As a farmer, I feel the need to comment on recent articles in the “Farm and Dairy” about Harlan Baldwin.

I firmly believe that most farmers are farmers because they love to see things grow and do well. Whether it be children, cattle, or crops, we are caretakers.

I also firmly believe that food grown in this country is the best quality and the most rigorously tested and inspected that we have ever had – from the farm to the grocery store, the food is grown and processed under more stringent rules, regulations, testing, and inspections than ever before. However, people are human and sometimes mistakes are made.

Sometime ago, we at Comp Dairy Farm adopted the following mission statement for our farm. I believe most all farmers abide by similar actions on their own farms. I would like to share our mission statement:

To be an efficiently and effectively managed farm. To progressively enter the 21st century through a team effort by establishing and attaining goals, that provide a superior herd production and a secure financial well being for the owners and its employees.

1. Our mind set will make the business work for the people rather than people for the business. We foster and reward those who take on responsibility.

2. We will take care of the needs of every cow, heifer, and calf every day.

3. We will use environmentally sound methods in handling all of our resources.

4. We will seek excellence in all that we do. We will use all of our abilities to prevent problems instead of reacting to them.

5. We will expand in a fiscally responsible way.

6. We will foster team work, with the goal of enjoying what we do.

7. We will recognize and prioritize the safety of the individual, the animal, and the machine.

I would like to point out that every pound of our milk is required to be tested. Every beef animal that we sell is inspected also. Our farm is inspected unannounced by the Ohio Department of Agriculture as well as the Interstate Milk Inspection.

All dairy processors are rigorously inspected as well as all meat processors.

We have veterinarians do a once-a-week herd health check which we pay for – herd health is very, very important to any successful farmer whether it be dairy, beef or pork.

We also have a feed nutritionist here once a week.

Cow comfort is of great importance to any dairy person. Over 5 years ago, we installed cow mattresses for all of our milk cows, We have also installed many large fans for cow comfort.

We provide plenty of water and feed for all of the animals as any successful dairy person does.

Herd health and personnel are our top priorities.

As a side note, we are lifetime members of the Ashtabula County Humane Society.

James W. Comp

Dorset, Ohio

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