The Whats and Whys of “Soy-ize”


I’ve had a box of tofu on the shelf for several weeks. I put off using it because Mark still remembers the time he tried it in a Japanese restaurant and thought it was weird – big on texture but small on flavor. That was over 20 years ago, and though I didn’t mind it, for once I let Mark’s opinion prevail without a fuss because it’s easier not to change.
Unlike other vegetable proteins, soy protein is a complete protein containing all 8 essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, and zinc, and B-vitamins which include thiamin, folate and B-6. It is recommended that we add 25 grams of soy protein to our diet every day.
With all the evidence that soyfoods provide many health protective benefits, don’t I owe it to my family to give them a try?
I’ve been sprinkling handfuls of ranch-flavored soynuts on my salads. Now I need to cook up that box of tofu.
One of the obstacles facing those of us who want to begin cooking with soy is the thought that we have to use all new recipes, but you can substitute soy products in almost any recipe you currently use.”Soy-izing” recipes is easy!


Bean salads Substitute black or yellow canned soybeans for kidney beans; add edamame for color and flavor.

Cheesecake Use 50% soft tofu/50% dairy cream cheese in place of dairy cream cheese. Use 1 cup crushed soynuts in gra- ham cracker crust (use slightly less butter or margarine as soynuts contain oil).

Chili, soups and stews Use rehydrated TSP**, or mix 50/50 with ground beef. Use yellow, brown or black soybeans in place of navy or kidney beans; add edamame with other vegetables.

Hamburgers, meatballs, Use rehydrated TSP**, soy crumbles, or mix 50/50 or meatloaf with ground beef. Combine before cooking and then proceed as recipe states.

Scalloped potatoes or corn Use plain soymilk* instead of dairy milk. Add 1 cup edamame to corn for a colorful, “succotash” version.

Smoothies Use soymilk or soft tofu blended with fruit; add soy
protein concentrate.

*Substitute soymilk for dairy milk in most recipes.

** TSP, or textured soy, utilizes defatted soy flour, comes in granular and chunk style and is relatively bland in flavor. Compressed and dried, it is often used as a meat alternative or extender in prepared meat items. Use TSP to replace all or part of the ground meat in most recipes.

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