Friday, May 3, 2024

Learn more about nutrient removal rates and approaches that can be used to maintain and build adequate field fertility and calculate fertilizer needs.
cow grazing

Grazing decisions made now will impact regrowth next spring. There are several options to consider if you are on the short end of the forage supply.
guy reeling in fence

During the heat of the summer, it is very important not to overgraze cool-season grasses. Learn more about maintaining pastures in hot, dry weather.

A key component to maintaining healthy animals is to have a healthy relationship with your veterinarian. 
cattle grazing

Understanding the dangers and various management strategies to control toxic plants will reduce the risk of potential poisoning for your livestock.
hay harvest

Although moth infestation in hay is uncommon, it can happen. Learn how to evaluate hay when it is discovered and how to prevent future infestations.
forage oats

Oats are a good crop to consider as an alternative forage because of its flexibility as a feed, yield potential and low-cost establishment.
Angus cattle grazing

Ohio State University Extension utilizes FINPACK to perform financial analysis of farms throughout Ohio. Learn how to evaluate your beef farm's performance.

When we finish first-cutting hay, it seems to me to be a great time to assess our pasture condition and hay supplies.
grain or seed drill

Drills are a popular and effective way to establish crops that can be seeded in closely spaced rows, such as forage crops.