Sunday, May 19, 2024

Not only do cover crops improve soil quality and protect against leaching and nutrient runoff, but also they can make a great second crop.

Winter is quickly approaching, but there's still time to get your forage inventory in order.

The next few weeks provide an opportunity for seeding forages.

Beginning in June, we tend to see a transition on our pasture management.
poison hemlock

Every year I get questions from livestock owners regarding poisonous plants; either for identification or for information on how to manage around a known poisonous plant.

Chew on this: Animals, regardless of species, will adjust their bite size to harvest about 50% of the existing pasture height in front of them.

As I have fielded phone calls and made farm visits since my last article, the two main topics seem to be the lack of early spring growth leading to the overgrazing of the late winter pasture, and electric fence problems.
beef cattle on pasture

Manage your pastures early and often for a good growing season.
Pipeline construction through farmland

Consider all the effects of pipelines, including to your forage crops.

We are on the downhill stretch. Mornings and nights are still cold, but the sun is warming up our afternoons.