Sunday, May 5, 2024
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about gravy-making tips, how Thanksgiving dishes get to our tables, how to cook the perfect roast and more.
Eastern mole

New baits and repellents for moles work better than the home remedies some people swear by, and trapping is still one of the most efficient means of controlling moles.
staghorn Sumac

Tami Gingrich shares the wonderful benefits staghorn sumac offers to both humans and wildlife.
boy drinking from water bottle

Learn two ways to disinfect water from natural freshwater sources to use for drinking, cooking, washing dishes and brushing teeth in an emergency.
nutrition label

The nutrition labels on some foods have changed and will soon change on other foods to meet new USDA rules. Here's what you need to know about the changes.
venison storage

Pennsylvania hunters have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the hungry by donating deer via Hunters Sharing the Harvest this season.
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about trans fat, what to do with fresh produce and more.
bowl of stew

There’s a better-for-you substitution for many common recipe ingredients, from sugar and salt to eggs and meat.
sweaty, exhausted man

When the weather is warmer, you’re at a higher risk for heat illness, which can come on suddenly with many people unaware they’re in danger.

Small-scale egg producers and their consumers should understand good handling practices to ensure food safety when buying or selling farm fresh eggs.

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