Saturday, May 18, 2024
Around the Table

Around the Table

It's disappointing so many Easter egg safety articles suggest making separate batches to eat and hide. There are safe ways to eat the eggs you hide.

Morels are the most well-known goal of spring foraging, but ramps and fiddlehead ferns offer a wonderful and sometimes new foraging opportunity.
cantaloupe seedlings

Melons depend on sunlight, warm temperatures and the right amount of water to grow well. Learn how to improve melon growing conditions in the Midwest.
persimmons in tree

Learn how to find and identify American persimmon trees, when to harvest their fruit and how to enjoy your bounty.
pumpkin soup

Learn how to determine the safest preservation method for premade soups based on their ingredients.

Although lighting is the most important factor for a healthy herb garden, humidity, temperature, fertilizer, pots, soil and water all play important roles.

If started indoors during March, ginger can be successfully propagated, transplanted and grown in the Midwest to harvest in the fall.

Many of us have enjoyed smoked brisket, but what about alternative beef cuts? Consider trying chuck rolls, beef knuckles, bone-in short ribs and more!
washing leafy greens

Proper storage of produce keeps it fresh and ripe until you are ready to eat or preserve it. Storing produce in ideal conditions also improves its taste, texture and appearance.

Online farmers markets showcase fresh food from multiple farms within a defined geographic region, such as a single county or tri-county area.