Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Stockpiling fescue and orchardgrass is generally considered an economical way to extend the grazing season and cut feed costs.

Where are your livestock now? You are probably wondering what kind of question is that. Of course, we hope they're still in the field we put them into last.

We hear and see many reasons for improving our grazing practices. Reasons. Over the last several years, the federal government has also chosen to support and encourage grazing through the use of government programs.

Applying fertilizers to hay and pasture fields to stimulate plant growth will generally increase yields substantially.

Our January weather here in Ohio has been quite pleasant compared with the cold December we experienced.

Forage can provide most of the nutritional requirements of a beef herd during the fall and winter. The challenge becomes the management of supplement due to variations in forage quality and growth.

Undoubtedly, winter feeding practices of livestock varies from farm to farm as much or more than any other feeding period the entire year.

As we have experienced this year, forage quantity is drastically down as a result of dry conditions.

August is the time Ohio producers should begin stockpiling feed for their animals winter needs. Stockpiling means to accumulate forages that will be harvested by grazing livestock at a later time.

Late summer is an excellent time to establish forages. The following steps will assist producers in successful renovation and establishment of grass fields and legumes.