Sunday, May 19, 2024

August is the time Ohio producers should begin stockpiling feed for their animals winter needs. Stockpiling means to accumulate forages that will be harvested by grazing livestock at a later time.

Late summer is an excellent time to establish forages. The following steps will assist producers in successful renovation and establishment of grass fields and legumes.

In a dairy farm's employee break room, I saw the following posted: "Our employees are our most important asset.

Brazilian agriculture dramatically changed in the past 20 years. We know of the rapid increase in Brazilian soybean production.

Here we are in December and I see livestock in numerous pastures where there is no grass left to eat.

The dairy replacements are the foundation of any dairy enterprise. They are the future of your dairy herd and will be one of the major factors that will determine continued improved herd performance.

I have had numerous dairy graziers tell me their cows did not milk well this summer. "Why didn't my cows milk as well this summer, and how could I have supplemented them?" The answers are not simple, but I have some suggestions.

August is the month to begin planning your fall/winter grazing. By the end of August many practices will have to be implemented in order to maximize forage production.

Grazing expert tells you what to do now to prepare for winter feeding.

Grazing expert Pat Dyer says it's time to get serious about management for the rest of the year.