Friday, May 3, 2024

Economists like the markets to fix the world's ills, so maybe that's why so many of them back the cap-and-trade solution to greenhouse gas...

You are not alone. Whether or not you realize it, you have a team -- your vet, your lender, your extension educator, your nutritionist, your friends, and even another farmer you respect. Ask them the right questions and challenge them to ask you good ones in return.

If we dropped Congress in the middle of a no-access zone, how quickly do you think we'd have broadband Internet access nationwide?

"Parents, if you want to worry about what's going on in our public schools, you've got a lot more to be concerned about than our president attempting to encourage your child to get an education."

I've had it.Just when I thought I could stop preaching about the importance of food and agriculture and sharing our message, another slanted, "we're...

We can't continue to make ag progress -- scientific or technological progress -- unless we confront the role of public opinion in today's agriculture.

When Branden DeFrank of Jefferson County entered the ring at the Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions with his grand champion steer, he was...

Farming doesn't need to be just small or large, just organic or conventional, just black or white. There's room at the table for all. But unless we face the agricultural realities, there might not be any food on that table.

Walmart threw its global shoulder into a sustainability product index initiative last week. Forget cap-and-trade legislation, ignore international commissions. Follow the smiley face instead.

... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) wanted to bring 3,500 1-gallon buckets of pig manure and urine to the Ohio...