Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Quality feed

Feed costs per cwt of milk sold and income over feed costs can be variable from year to year. Learn how to optimize the feed costs in your dairy.
Milking parlor

Learn how to improve your employee recruiting process and interview skills to find employees that are the right fit for your farm.
Dairy calf

Proper colostrum management improves calf health and eventually cow productivity. Learn how to use a colostrometer and a Brix meter to determine quality.
dairy cattle

In the past 12 months, 262 farms have ceased milk production in Ohio, and despite better prices, there will likely be more farm exits.
cattle in pasture

Always be aware of the behavior of animals around you. Assess their flight zone and note the look in their eyes.
chopping corn silage

There are two common ways to estimate tonnage, one based on plant height and the other based on estimated grain yield.
farmer shadow

Dave Marrison shares some of the ideas expressed by farmers and teachers on how to mitigate the issues the agriculture industry is facing today.

Winter wheat, barley, triticale and rye planted in the fall can produce high-quality forage in the spring when harvest is in the boot stage.
cows in milking parlor

15 Measures of Dairy Farm Competitiveness is an Ohio State University Extension publication that has undergone revisions and is now available.
fair banner

The Ohio State Fair buildings may be at rest, but the dynamics for the groups that "bring it to life" are in perpetual motion.