Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Holstein cows

Learn how to determine your farm's liquidity, as measured by current ratio and working capital.

When a farm team starts working on their business analysis for 2020, 60 second investments will make the process easier and the results more reliable.

Lately I have been working with the Columbiana County Emergency Management Agency to formulate plans for dealing with animal disease outbreaks such as foot-and-mouth disease and other natural or man-made threats to agriculture.
cattle in pasture

The financial stress of running a dairy farm continues to take a toll on your physical and mental health. Find out what you can do to manage the stress.

Dianne Shoemaker, northeast Ohio district dairy specialist with OSU Extension, writes about the dream of many farm kids, and the perseverance and patience it takes to get there.

The U.S. dairy industry will continue to try to get milk produced in the U.S. into China. But will the U.S. milk continue to be processed by U.S. companies before it enters China?

Change may be necessary in how you view and measure success and how you manage your dairy farm if you want to ensure its survival.

Ernie Oelker, agricultural extension agent in Columbiana County, writes about loan and financial assistance programs for the family farm.
alfalfa field

Late summer is an excellent time to establish alfalfa, but seeding may be challenging with recent dry weather conditions.

Thanks to House bill 22, which will take effect Sept. 20, livestock owners will have less risk of automatically being held liable for damages when their animals escape and run loose on public roadways and on other's property.