Thursday, May 16, 2024
science lab

The Center of Science and Industry makes science fun and interesting, and Judith Sutherland urges readers to make the trip to Columbus.
calf with bottle

Judith Sutherland talks about how taste and smell can transport one back in time to childhood memories.

Judith Sutherland reminds readers not to lose sight of the good things happening in the present moment.

Judith Sutherland enjoys an afternoon of football instruction from her 6-year-old grandson.
summer field

Judith Sutherland urges readers to enjoy every minute of summer.
American flag

Judith Sutherland holds on to the life lessons she learned from a prisoner of the Vietnam War.
cow grazing

Judith Sutherland recalls the conundrums caused by friends from town visiting and helping with farm chores.
school books

Last week Judith Sutherland attended the ribbon cutting for a brand new school complex, concluding it's an incredible, progressive step for her community.
Ohio barn

Having grown up in rural, small-town, small-church America is one of the greatest character-builder blessings of a life, according to Judith Sutherland.
brown cookies on white plastic pack

Judith Sutherland write that life doesn't require huge gestures to make an enormous difference. It is made better by caring hearts and attention paid to others when it matters most.