Friday, February 7, 2025
Letting Off Some Steam

Letting Off Some Steam

The advancements of technology have made it possible to watch foreign and domestic steam shows on the computer.

The history of steam engines as we know them begins in the mid-1600s, which appears to be an interesting period both politically and scientifically.

Fairground organs, as big as a truck in some cases, make quite a sight at a steam shows, especially if there are eight or 10 in a row.
steam engine

The size of model engines is the primary factor making them popular.

Old photos showing engines in action, especially steam threshing activity, come from all parts of the country and including Canada.

Steam Engine Show features threshing, baling and sawmilling.
traction engine

I suppose this title can be applied to most any area of human endeavor but if we are thinking of steam engines and steam shows, which is my usual field, many details come to mind.
traction engine

The European Traction Engine Register 4th edition details many steam engines from around the world.
Lee Brown and Fordson Tractor

There are differences between English and American steam engine clubs. Here's a look at British steam magazine Steaming and some English engines.
vintage steam shovel

Not too many steam power shows in the winter, so it's a good time to think back (or plan for summer).