Sunday, May 19, 2024
Corn planting

No relief for crop producers: This year and next, we project growing carryout bushels and prices that do not sustain US farmers.
soybeans, grain market,sunset

The reality in today's grim grain markets is that the bad weather is not even in the USDA reports yet.

Last week we looked at charts, trying to find signals of direction. Well, we know more about direction now. Corn prices broke sharply on...

Marlin Clark talks about how the weather is changing the crop market. He also discusses the drought of 1988.

We in the grain business are hanging on with both hands to the mechanical bull market. It goes up, it goes down, and it eventually throws you off on your face.

Marlin Clark weighs in on how Pfizer's announcement that its phase three trials show 90% efficacy for its COVID-19 vaccine has affected the grain markets.

In my grandmother Faragher's Manx household was the tradition of the "Qualtagh."The qualtagh, the first visitor to your home in the New Year, was...

USDA's March crop production report says we have the highest ending stocks of 12 years. That cannot be a good thing, comments grain merchandiser Marlin Clark.

Planting has been slow this spring, but farmers are making good progress, overall.

The hope that the Monday markets represented a return to bullishness was dashed early Tuesday.