Saturday, July 27, 2024
planting wheat

Problems in Kansas planting their hard red winter wheat is supporting both the Kansas City and Chicago wheat markets.

Marlin Clark talks about how the weather is changing the crop market. He also discusses the drought of 1988.
harvesting corn

We made a new low for December corn on Aug. 31 at 3.14 3/4. The new bean low was 9.37 on Sept. 1, and even the December wheat hit the bottom at 3.91 1/2 on Aug. 30.

It is hard to get a handle on where markets are going these days. The easiest method, with the least recriminations when you are...
Money markets graphic

The crop and weather condition aren't exactly leading to the markets most would expect.

Grain prices have broken sharply lower the last few days, and the reason given is the effect of the Goldman Sachs fraud charges on the market.

Grain prices are at or near lows on all three major commodities on the Chicago Board of Trade.
grain bins

The long weekend seemed to help the grain markets, at least for a while.
wet field, corn, delayed planting, Ohio farm,

Times have been tough on corn, soybean and wheat prices. Grain market commentator Marlin Clark explains why. Spoiler alert: no trade deal with China and delayed planting.

When USDA released their monthly Crop Production and Supply and Demand Reports May 11, the market saw glimmers of hope amongst the nuggets of...