Thursday, January 16, 2025

Twenty-four years ago, when On My Mind was "born," I promised myself I would try very hard to not dwell on the past in...

Could be you're tired of reading about the mundane happenings on this quiet island, and so I'm calling on my mother to rescue you.

Now that summer has decided to stay for a while, we can quit worrying about whether it is too wet or too dry or too cold or too warm. Sit back, sip a cold drink, make potato salad and meatloaf or fire up the grill, whatever you prefer. Enjoy the fruits of your labors, literally and figuratively.

Already morning sunlight is diffused and late afternoon shadows are longer sooner. At dusk, there is a spectacular show as the trees become the...

It must be because of the "aging process" -- med-speak for growing old -- but little annoyances are doubly annoying.

Was it magic? Was it time-lapse photography? Was it a mirage? How is it that the thicket -- my jungle to the west --...

Safely tucked away in my wallet, the clipping is beginning to yellow but it only sees the light of day once in this mesmerizing...

One by one, like falling stars, they blaze too swiftly across our lives, then disappear except for their forever aura that never fades. We...

Spring has been tip-toeing behind retreating winter for several weeks. Now the troops are ready to storm the ice castle and banish the foe...

It would have been much more dramatic to have fallen while putting a horse over a four-foot fence.Instead, it was a humiliating fall from...