Tuesday, May 21, 2024
corn field partially harvested

According to Marlin Clark, the results of the USDA January reports, released Jan. 10, were unsatisfactory. Find out why in this week's grain markets report.

Way back in the Dec. 19 issue we said we’d give Item No. 1148 one more week. It’s been more than a week and several...

Zach Wallace offers a brief overview of selecting a feeding area for animals wintered on pasture to help farmers who are already dealing with mud.
glass of milk

Since September, milk protein has become more valuable than milk fat. As a result, dairy cattle diets may need to be changed to take advantage.
Ag trade photo

Alan Guebert predicts 2019's challenges were just a warm-up act for what appears to be an even more challenging 2020.

Learn more about EPDs that are related to grazing management.
snowy barn

Nearly every one of Judith Sutherland's childhood memories of spending time at her grandfather's hold his enormous barn in the landscape of it all.
Brandon Harrison

The New York shoreline of Lake Ontario and western ports near the Niagara River offer world-class salmon fishing.

Leave Kymberly Foster Seabolt alone with a drill or a hammer and all heck breaks loose. In her column this week, she offers an update on her latest project.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Scott Shalaway offers insight on yellow-bellied sapsuckers. Find out what type of birds they are, what they look like, where they live and what they eat.