Friday, May 3, 2024
garden planning and crops collage

Regardless of which method you choose, there are numerous benefits to good garden planning.
Farm and Dairy archives

In 1926, 12-year-old Raymond Slutz, of Salem, Ohio, won a multistate essay contest about milk quality. Ninety years later, we share his essay, and the message that little things matter when it comes to improving milk quality.
FFA Office Tunnel

Animal rights extremist group, PETA, took a stab at the values of the National FFA Organization but many supporters rushed to defend the organization in the form of open conversations and invitations into their own experiences.
fishing rod

The new electronics available to serious fishermen are truly space age and beyond.
Holstein dairy cows

2015 came to a close pretty much the same way it started: disappointing milk prices and negative margins.
Beef cattle grazing

Pasture programs that are well managed can be the most economical way to ensure forages for your herd.
dung beetle

Known as the "Farmers Friend," the dung beetle returns fresh cattle dung pads back to the earth, building soil and recycling nutrients.
Woo-Wee Wolf Whistle auto horn ad 1948

Ever wonder why every automobile comes equipped with a horn?
harvesting and pouring corn

In northeast Ohio, farmers are mostly standing on the carpet in front of the Farm Credit officer, trying to get the line of credit renewed, and trying to explain why they are still sitting on most of their corn and beans.
Kids on Christmas

Imperfect parenting is a reality, and sometimes the best.