Wednesday, May 1, 2024
elderberry cough syrup, tea leaves, oils

The holiday season is full of celebrations, decorations and shopping for gifts. Unfortunately it is also full of colds, sluggish digestion and dry skin.

Few sectors of the global economy are more hooked on gene modification technology than agriculture.
soil in hands

Any time I am outdoors, whether it be hunting in the woods, fishing off a bank or working that garden, I feel an improvement in my mood and my tenacity, because I smelt and felt the dirt!

Remember the thrill of a bike ride with a mission? My best friend, Cindy, and I were talking about how great she felt when her Grandpa Sigler sent her to Bodager Hardware to get him a specific item.
reading book in library

As the holidays approach, here are some books I recommend for any nature-lover on your gift list.
Carving turkey

It's easy to get testy when your endless time in the kitchen making sides has been overshadowed by a stubborn bird.
Pontiac tractor

Plans were to turn out 1,000 Pontiac Tractors for 1919. Apparently the demand for the Pontiac tractor didn’t live up to expectations and columnist Sam Moore doubts if any survived.
ring-necked duck

Devils Lake is the largest of all North Dakota’s natural lakes, and is renowned for its excellent waterfowl hunting.
corn in fall

The good news is that production of ethanol is up. The bad news is, the production of ethanol is up and all I got was this lousy T-shirt and a lousy price to go with it.
snowy spruce trees

Whether you visit a tree farm or a local lot to purchase your Christmas tree this year, these tips and tricks will help you select the best Christmas tree for your space.