Sunday, May 5, 2024

As corn and soybeans are coming off of fields, many farmers are making plans to get cover crops onto these fields in the coming weeks.

Not only do cover crops improve soil quality and protect against leaching and nutrient runoff, but also they can make a great second crop.

First school bus ride to school is a memory in the making.
chestnut collage

Crossing Chinese and American chestnut trees is an effort to breed the American chestnut back with disease resistance.

For many, it’s ‘out of the box’ thinking to consider having someone outside the family assume the ownership and management of a farm, but it may be a viable option to consider.

Landowners are coming to realize the value of a hunting lease, a legal document granting the use of his or her property with defined limits.

Every fall, shortly after nighttime, temperatures turn chilly and deer mice seek refuge from the coming cold weather by moving into our homes.

Many farmhands passed through our farm and each one became a part of our family. They were like brothers growing up, and I have fond memories with each of them.

Local leaders are key to the success of the Soil and Water Conservation District.

Land that has been in hay or pasture for any number of years can meet eligibility for enrollment.