Friday, May 3, 2024

If I could have just one more day with my grandmother, I would treasure her stories beyond measure.

Many ponds are more than 50 years old. Depending on their drainage area, they can accumulate debris, leaves, sediment, yard waste, decaying pond plants,...

Summer time is insect time. Unfortunately, stinging and biting species such as wasps and mosquitoes get most of our attention for all the wrong...

I read with great interest Kristy Foster Seachrist’s article last week in the Farm and Dairy about changes in the grain indemnity law in...

After a 10-day cooling off period known as the Fourth of July recess, House and Senate members came back to steamy, hot Washington, D.C....

Editor Susan Crowell on the precautionary principle: Public perception of risk can certainly be different than a scientific assessment of risk, but I’m not sure my perhaps-ignorant perception should hamper scientific inquiry.

Some days come and go with little left behind to be held in our memory. Some are emblazoned forever. Wings of steel It was a beautiful...

Ultimately, supply and demand of cropland for rent will determine the cash rental rate for each parcel. The expected return from producing crops on...

I grew up playing in red dirt. Not in the south, but in central Ohio. The tree trunks were all stained red and when...

A few weeks ago I wrote about snakes and why they’re good to have around. I urged readers to protect them rather than kill...