Monday, April 29, 2024

Hello Again!As the weeks roll by, once again the crop year of 2012 seems to be one that will go down in history as...

The Ohio Ag Manager Team was started in 2005 by OSU Extension to help Ohio farmers with their farm management questions. Our outreach efforts...

People sometimes ask about flat belts. A belt can be defined as being a continuous strip of some flexible material placed around two pulleys...

Many on Capitol Hill are quick to point out that “If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck.”...

Thirty years ago the sight of a bald eagle got people excited. In Pennsylvania, for example, only three nesting pairs were known in 1982.In...

I am hard pressed to say why I love our camper so. It's a mid-90s model replete with golden oak and pale blue Formica...

How bad is the current drought situation down on the farm? Things are so bad that analysts are now talking about 1956 instead of 1988.

On an early morning bicycle ride I roll past a massive red combine slumbering at the end of a freshly barbered wheat field.<

"If we aren't agile, if we can't innovate, somebody else will go to the dance in our shoes. The land grant system is a world solution; we should settle for nothing less than world domination." -- Dr. Bruce McPheron.

Marlin Clark talks about how the weather is changing the crop market. He also discusses the drought of 1988.