Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Farm Service Agency has come up with a service called TIP Net. This is a tool to connect retired or retiring land owners or operators with beginning or socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers who are interested in the Transition Incentives program (TIP).

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the world has never produced more food, fed more people and, simultaneously, never had so many hungry people.

For the grazier, winter means dealing with cold temperatures, wind chill, freezing rain and mud. These weather conditions can negatively impact livestock performance and increase the energy requirement of the animal.

As the howling winds of winter approach, it is a good time for farmers to grab a cup of coffee and start to gather their income and expenses records to determine their cost of production and profitability from 2011.

I was talking with a lady not long ago who told me she remembered her very first trip to the dentist. It was 1936, and she had a terrible toothache, which was made worse each morning and evening when she had to milk by hand the family's three cows.

It's hunting season. Depending on your perspective, you imagine hunting as wearing camouflage, being in the woods in the early morning hours and waiting...

The interest in leasing land for oil and gas production throughout eastern and southeast Ohio has been high, with expansion to northern parts of Ohio starting to occur. This expansion will change the lives of many farm families and communities for years to come, as large sums of new money make their way into the hands of families.

Winterizing farm equipment can reduce start-up time in the spring, extend the life of equipment and allow for higher re-sale value.

Nature abhors a vacuum.Nature also abhors my getting a moment's peace. Nature, in fact, has made somewhat a game of keeping me on edge...

Clovis Webb had left his tractor and hay baler overnight in a rented field on the old Monroe County Poor Farm, which is no...