Sunday, May 19, 2024

Reading between the HSUS lines: "We'll say we'll negotiate with agriculture, but if we don't get our way, we're not going to play nice anymore."

Instead of grain marketing insight, Marlin Clark shares a different story this week -- a story that is more important than the price of corn, and we're privileged to share it.

Grazing cows produce milk with more favorable characteristics from a human health perspective than do cows on silage or high concentrate diets. That is the message that Dr. Anjo Elgersma shared with a group of dairy producers from the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council and in Wisconsin in late October last year.

More than 30 bird identification guides line my book shelves, so I guess I'm a collector. Most are very good. Some even include...

We are in an atmosphere of questioning spending, taxes and finding ways for all levels of government to live within its means. But cutting investments in agricultural R&D, innovation and education is like eating your seed corn -- and next year you'll go hungry.

I wish I had a nickle for every time I have been asked, “how do you find something to write about every single week?”...

Hello Again!The Farm Service Agency (FSA) has added a new Conservation Loan program. The Conservation loan program provides farmers with the credit necessary to...

Hooray for tile!Now that's something you don't hear too often from people these days. Seems over the last decade or so in certain quarters...

As has been noted here before, most journalists get into the writing game because they cannot do math. I don't mean the hard stuff...

All things considered, I think that the moment you are shouting "fire" is not likely to rank among your finest culinary accomplishments. Although you...