Saturday, May 18, 2024

Earlier this year two white fawns stole the show at Grand Vue Park ( near Moundsville, W.Va. They were hard to miss, and soon...
Baltimore oriole

Scott Shalaway shares his favorite birds of the spring migration.

Not too many things are more annoying in the summer than trying to work and getting bothered by flies.

Eliza Blue ponders letting go of things you can't control and how to appreciate the inevitable cold of winter.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt urges readers not to sweat the wear and tear on a property. One day, the kids grow up and the grass grows back.
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark digs into how the grain markets have been affected by South American weather, sustainable aviation fuel production, shipping problems and more.
grazing cattle

Take this time of year to evaluate whether all of your planning and preparation has paid off or if you still have some work to do.

I visited my daughter Josie at an off-campus apartment she shares in Kent. I packed several things they could use and while I gathered her mail and a book she requested from home, I threw in a couple of plastic shopping bags full of slightly used Halloween decorations that Kathie brought home from her school's blood drive for the Red Cross.

Turkeys and deer must prepare for winter before it gets here.
Farm and Dairy building, Salem, Ohio

Farm and Dairy Editor Susan Crowell is retiring this summer, and you all can help us cast the widest net to find her successor.