Saturday, May 18, 2024

Whether you need help identifying birds for Project FeederWatch, or you're preparing for next month's Great Backyard Bird Count, or you'd just like to...

Whether you need help identifying birds for Project FeederWatch, or you're preparing for next month's Great Backyard Bird Count, or you'd just like to...

It is hard to get excited about selling me grain when corn has dropped 60 cents, beans are off $1.40 since Jan. 4, and wheat is down almost 90 cents.

Farmers often harbor insecurities when plopped in a room with bankers or small business owners or lawyers. Too often, farmers feel like they don't belong in that crowd, like their chosen profession is somehow less important or worthy than the others'. They couldn't be more wrong.

The grain markets crashed after the USDA Inventory Report earlier this month.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

It’s the start of a new year and Ohio State University Extension has plenty of educational opportunities for you to take advantage of to...

Does your state (county, borough, village, township, fill in the blank) like its farms?Does it realize the economic impact of agriculture? Is there a...

As Punxsutawney Phil, sensing that his winter's snooze is about to be interrupted, begins to twitch in his cozy man-made burrow, I implore you...

Greetings!Kermit the Frog once said "It ain't easy being green." Well Kermit, it ain't easy trying to comprehend the SUpplement REvenue (SURE) program either!...