Saturday, May 18, 2024

In Europe, antibiotics are handled and administered by veterinarians. Interestingly, antibiotics are used on organic dairy farms — when necessary for animal health —...

We're going to do it. A whole column that doesn't mention the two four-letter words we are growing to hate: f_ _ d and...

Mark your calendars for milk margin protection sign-up.

There is no time like the present to evaluate your pasture fields for damage from over grazing and weather related stress. While you are...

I usually try to fit more into my days than can healthily be squeezed, thus my sleep section of each 24 hours gets short-changed....

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt writes of the wonder of miracles.

As you head to the woods seeking relief from late winter cabin fever, you're virtually certain to stumble upon vernal pools -- small bodies...

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt watches friends to learn about jumping off life's milestone bridges.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

For many years, OSU Extension has been conducting one- to five-day grazing schools throughout Ohio. In many cases OSU Extension, USDA/NRCS and local SWCD...