Friday, May 3, 2024

Once in a while, it is good to be reminded of the power of Mother Nature. Our daughter and friends were here one evening...

The market was closed Jan. 19 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, so now we have to work through the confusion of having no trading for three days.

There is the possibility the USDA's Emergency Conservation Program has been implemented in your county by your local county committee to help with Ike cleanup efforts.

Amid rainy period, a reminder of acreage reporting dates.

It's the end of the year, but columnist Alan Guebert still has unanswered questions.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

"The bright sun filtered through the clouds, warming the fields of alfalfa that my father was mowing. Within a day or two it would...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb explains why she dreads election time each year.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb writes about winter fun.