Saturday, May 18, 2024
Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Start a tractor by firing a shotgun shell? You’ve got to be kidding! However, the post-World War II Field Marshall tractor used just such...

My column two weeks ago about Cyclone seeders brought a couple of interesting responses (I love email – it’s so fast and easy to...

Lydia Marie Child's "The American Frugal Housewife" published in 1832, contains a list of maxims for health that are worth a read.
tractor with tracks

Charles Hay Martin was one of the many colorful men who built the automobile industry in this country, although he never became a household name.

Anyone tried to buy a new work truck lately? If you have, you’ve probably come to the realization that truck manufacturers don’t consider trucks...

The fictitious story of a farm family looking through the Montgomery Ward's Fall and Winter 1930-31 Catalogue to make their Christmas lists.

What were you doing 50 years ago? Our fathers and grandfathers, and maybe even we ourselves, were settling down after supper with the October issue of Farm Journal to find out what was going on.
World War II comic

At the end of October 70 years ago, farmers and farmers' wives were reading the Farm Journal. It was a dark period in the...

Poultry and eggs are a big business and, although estimates vary, possibly as many as 45 billion chickens are eaten every year in this country, along with 75 billion eggs.

The history of hay baling is long and varied, but manufacturers have made countless improvements to the technology over the years.